International Start - English Start
(Padre Alex)

(You can send me your recommendations by eMail or without a mail program by the socalled "Formular". If you like, you can also produce on your page a link to http://www.padre.at or http://www.katholik.com, thanks. The following links are not checked by the Padre like the recommended links, the aim is to collect many links of former comrades, and there is clearly freedom of personal opinion like in the whole internet. So the Padre takes also here no responsability for other pages.)

Actually you find here:
A) Some relevant links (UN, military, Cyprus, Austria)
B) Some articles and photographs concerning Padre Alex and our former UN-mission in Cyprus
C) Letter of Padre Alex to all soldiers in foreign missions against any form of abortion

You want to return to Cyprus, really?Cyprus has a very nice and hot climate, so that you can swim in the clean sea from March until December. The great majority of the year is dominated by a wonderful sunshine, so that you are really stimulated, but you will need very often strong sun protection. - Don't forget to visit the beautiful churches and monasteries in Cyprus - as catholic you should come first to the villages of the Maronites. They didn't want to join the original conflict of the socalled Cyprus problem, but nevertheless have to accept many disadvantages till now. I was always very happy to make visits in Kormakiti (Korucam) with the nice catholic church St. George. I hope deeply to see again the Maronite priest Rev. Father Anton Terzi, who is working and praying all the time according to the oldest catholic tradition and Maronite rites, although having already more than 90 years. Best wishes and blessings from Father Alex, Austrian Military Chaplain in 1998/1999!

The Padre goes only back by ship ... help, there is a ...

... plane. Anyway, Cyprus is a wonderful sunny island with a clean sea you can use nearly during the whole year. The people, greek-cypriots and turkish-cypriots, are very nice and friendly. Actually we could speak about four 'parts' of Cyprus: the Greek-Cypriot, the Turkish, the British and the UN. All UN-soldiers, especially Austrians, Hungarians and Slovenians, are looking back very happily to this UN-mission UNFICYP. They were all integrated in the United Nations Austrian Hungarian Slovenian Battalion, the UNAHSB, responsible for Sector 4. So the armies of Austria, Hungary and Slovenia could fulfill very well the order to protect a certain peace on the island. Best wishes for all of you visiting Cyprus! Father Alex, former Padre of Sector 4

A) You can already choose some relevant links (UN, military, Cyprus, Austria ...):

 1.) to the *** Federal President of the Republic of Austria ***, he is available for you

 2.) to the *** Austrian Blue Helmet Association *** with Information about Austrian Participation in International Missions

 3.) to the *** Austrian Army *** with the Latest Information

 4.) to the UN-information about *** UNFICYP ***

 5.) to the Holy See *** Vatican ***

 6.) to the *** Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute *** especially for the Work within the UN

 7.) to the *** "World of Cyprus" *** (Greek-Cypriot) with Service, Information and Chat Possibility

 8.) to the *** University of Cyprus *** in Lefkosia

 9.) to the *** Eastern Mediterranean University *** (Turkish/Cyp.) in Famagusta

10.) to the *** Austrian Federal Government *** with a Guestbook

11.) to the Latest *** "Cyprus Weekly" *** (Greek-Cypriot)

12.) to the Most Interesting *** Cyprus Information *** (Greek-Cypriot): Weather, Boards, Homepages, Practical Advice and much more

13.) to Bad News about the U. N. *** Pressuring Nations to Undermine the Family ***

14.) to the *** "Catholic Values Investment Trust" ***

15.) to the *** "Emperor Karl League of Prayers for Peace Among Nations" ***
(Italian - italiano:) Pia Unione di Preghiere Imperatore Carlo per la Pace dei Popoli
(Hungarian - magyar:) Károly-Király-Imaliga a világbékéért

16.) to a List of Cyprus Links and other Information at *** "allcy.com" ***

17.) to the *** CYTA Alphabetical Directory *** (Private Numbers - "Green Pages")

18.) to the *** CYTA Yellow Pages ***

19.) to the Largest Cyprus Web Directory *** yes.com.cy *** with many search possibilities, bringing Cyprus and the World together

20.) to the *** Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem *** responsible also for all Roman Catholic Soldiers in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

21.) to the *** Maronite Patriarchate *** History, Liturgy, Spirituality and Locations of these Sympathetic Catholics, you have to know: Kormakiti, Cyprus, Lebanon, Middle East, Overseas

22.) to the *** Press and Information Office (PIO) of the Republic of Cyprus ***

23.) here you find the *** European Prof-Life Doctors *** a Young and Important Initiative

24.) here you find *** Christian Solidarity International *** which is reporting about the difficult Human Rights' Situation of Christians in Islamistic States: we must help!

25.) here you find the *** Western Policy Center *** including a monthly Strategic Regional Report that provides an excellent update of the politico-military situation in Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and selected Balkan countries

26.) here you find the *** Cyprus Mail *** in its electronic version with today's paper

27.) here you find another *** All-In-One Cyprus Portal and Directory ***

28.) to *** Further Good Links *** of Father Alex

B) Maybe you will find more links of former UN-comrades in the future. Meanwhile you could read some articles from or about Padre Alex (Blue Beret) to remember our mission in Cyprus! There are also some photographs.

International Start Page
- English Start Page - E-Mail

C) All soldiers please note:

If you find yourself involved with a woman, who has become pregnant, please accept the responsability of fatherhood. Before you consider any wrong alternatives or encourage others to consider such, please contact me. Any Chaplain will be most willing to help you in this kind of situation, I urge you to consider the following important facts:



Padre Alexander

And what does this symbol mean?

Don't forget to call a priest immediately if you see this sign on a car or on a bike having had an accident. The driver wanted to have catholic assistance by a catholic priest, administering all necessary sacraments according to our holy catholic faith: confession, communion, unction. Best wishes and blessings from Father Alex!

"Please call a catholic priest in case of an accident!"

International Start Page - English Start Page - E-Mail
History: Basic Information of the Former Chaplain
(Padre Alex)

This important campaign showing the feet of unborn babies after only ten weeks reminds everyone that absolutely nobody has the right to kill an unborn child through any form of abortion which means always killing of innocent human life that has to be respected from the first second of the conception. Let's pray for this important initiative! Father Alex

Cyprus, a country, you will love, I am sure. Don't forget to pray also in your holidays! Fr. Alex
